(photo: www.AlexGrey.com)
Julia Cameron's book "The Artists Way" and well just about every other creative writers book I can imagine offers this poems same advice. Personally, I didn't believe it nor followed it until it happened to me in a big way. So, in order to capture the essence of poetic loss, resurfacing in my life recently in a PC based virus attack obliterating whole Aeons of my work, this poem about poetry alludes to that moment of clarity so pure the angels in the all-black-ink-and-paper-wood-grain-Christ-cross would weep and shudder together in orgastic bliss. Yet of course, as all beauty is brutally fragile in the possibility matrix, i.e. when it comes to the physical mechanical process of actually writing it approaches, this poem also alludes to when the dimensions fall and shrivel, as if all the shell skeletons had spiraled back into the inky dot and the fires of hell blow dry the puddle for good measure...