Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Get out of the Box!

photo from unknown source... thank you!

Samsara or the inherit nature of embodied consciousness, described by  Thanissaro Bhikkhu as literally meaning "wandering on," is the creation and recreation of worlds to move into and learn about the separation of self. Thus in this ode I give you my new video poem "get out of the box" which, with fire, prompts the creativity and unique essence of your individual being while escaping the burning pain and suffering with enlightenment.  Enjoy my friends and Amitābha ...

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Message to Xanadu

(susan seddon boulet via moonwoman)

From the Koori Dreamtime to Platos Perfection of Forms to William Blakes ideas of Jerusalem, the idea of the immortal world pervades. This poem reaches out in ode to that concept most electric in our sparking arcing minds, that there is a holy city where humanity is realized and it motivates and guides us always....